Good News: You Are Completely Insignificant

I don’t know if everyone experiences this, but I frequently have religious people that approach me to talk God. This happened before I went into the Seminary, and continues to happen (much more uncomfortably) since dropping out.

Recently we had a couple Jehovah’s Witnesses come to our house and asked if we read the Bible.

Me: “Not so much since dropping out of the Seminary.”

Jehovah 1 to Jehovah 2: “Watch out for this one.”

I have slowly transitioned away from faith as time has gone on, and now can say I am an Atheist. I take no issue with people who maintain their faith, and make an effort to not persuade people away from it… so you don’t have to “watch out for me.” 

I do, however, take issue with people who appear to intentionally, confuse and conflate information in a way to make a case for God’s existence and purpose in our own lives.

A few days after my encounter with our J.W. friends, a pastor approached me and encouraged me to watch this video:

Pastor Louie Giglio, convincingly uses imagery and a lot of scientific facts to show how vast the Universe is and how microscopic we are in it. He does this to show the power of God and how weak we are. Just when you feel like the smallest particle on a tiny speck of dust, he redeems you with the promise that you are special because God made you.

How do we know God made you?

Exhibit: A – Laminin

Laminin, which is a protein in the human body that helps to “hold the body together.” (It also kind of looks like a Cross when simplified in diagram form.) Laminin is frequently and incorrectly cited by Christians, who are are trying to win over those who are scientifically inclined, as proof that God designed us… why else would he hide tiny crosses in us?

Exhibit: B - Laminin/Cross
Exhibit: B – Laminin/Cross

Well for starters, Laminin also looks like this:

Exhibit: C - Also Laminin
Exhibit: C – Also Laminin

This theory, based on a story that is likely made up, has many critics. Christian Fundamentalists. Recovering Fundamentalists. And of course, Real Scientists.

To summarize their varying objections in one all-encompassing statement; It is dangerous to look for signs of God outside of scripture, some signs that we could also find in our own body include Satanic Pentagrams and Swastikas

Exhibit: D – Swastika
Exhibit: E – Blue Pentgrams

…also it is very likely Jesus was not crucified… nullifying the significance of a lower case “t.”

Good News: You Are Completely Insignificant

It’s okay to be a small particle on a tiny speck of dust. It should empower you. Every decision you make is your own and reflective of the person you want to be during your brief time on this Pale Blue Dot.

I do encourage people to get caught up in the wonder and size of our Universe. Here is a much more straightforward and concise video to do that:

“God Speed… Can you imagine going that fast?” – Brian Regan